Davin Blix and Sanjana Molleti proudly represent Minnesota at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. The memorial honors those who served, those who died, and the spirit, sacrifice and commitment of the American people during the second world war.
Emma Veldhuis
“I believe this is a one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t get any other way. We flew out of Minnesota at the beginning of the week as 37 strangers, and by the time we were returned home, those strangers were close friends.”

Dakota Electric’s five Youth Tour delegates pose for a photo outside of George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon, Virginia. The students completed their afternoon with a “National Treasure,” tour.

Five local high school students and Dakota Electric’s community relations and economic development assistant, Wendy Apitz, stand near the U.S. Capitol. Their activity-filled week took place on June 15-20.

Emma Veldhuis, Sarah Zipf and Sanjana Molleti prepare to meet Sen. Tina Smith at the U.S. Capitol. The 37 students from Minn., toured the U.S. Capitol and even had the chance to visit the senate gallery.
Sanjana Molleti
“This trip was the perfect way to appreciate my country while identifying paths to make it even better. I had an amazing time and am super grateful for the opportunity.”

Sanjana Molleti of Eastview High School at the White House. Sanjana was one of 36 students across the state of Minnesota to attend the 2019 Youth Tour.

A Youth Tour delegate shows off their Youth Tour backpack full of state pins. The students’ trade pins with other states as a way of meeting each other.
Davin Blix
“As a future member of the U.S. military, I appreciated the chance to reflect and appreciate those brave men and women that died for me and this country.”

The Minnesota students pose for a quick photo in front of the White House. The 37 high school juniors and seniors then went on a tour of the Bureau of Printing and Engraving.

All 37 Minnesota Youth Tour delegates smile for a group photo at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. The group concluded their evening by visiting the Jefferson Monument and the 911 Pentagon Memorial.

Minnesota students position their bodies to spell out “Vote!” in front of the Washington Monument. The photo was part of a bigger challenge in which the states’ compete against each other.

Emma Veldhuis of Eagan High School (third from left) explores Mount Vernon, Virginia with other Minnesota youth. Dakota Electric has sent high school students to the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour for 51 years.
Nils Peterson
“Learning about electric cooperatives and lobbying on Capitol Hill opened up a possible career path which I knew very little about prior to the Youth Tour. Thank you Dakota Electric for your support of this trip, which opened doors that I never knew existed.”

Dakota Electric’s Youth Tour delegates take a quick break to pose for a photo at the Lincoln Memorial. In the evening, the students enjoyed the musical theater classic, “Hello, Dolly!” at the John F. Kennedy Center.
Sarah Zipf
“I learned a lot about co-ops, because before going on this trip I had no idea what they were. It’s interesting seeing how crucial they are to a large part of society, but not many people know what they are.”