On a recent fall day in Whitetail Woods Regional Park, Dakota Electric Association crews helped set a 45-foot pole with a wood box on top for what Dakota County’s natural resources manager, Tom Lewanski, hopes will become a home for an osprey pair someday.
“We have wanted to put a nest tower out here for a long time,” Lewanski said. Dakota County selected a location for the nest that would appeal to ospreys. “Fish are a primary food source for Osprey,” Lewanski said. “So, this location should make a nice home for an osprey pair.”
Dakota County received help with the box from a Hastings High School senior who built it as an Honors Society project. Osprey are attracted to boxes that have a nest of large sticks partially built, so the box when installed had some sticks in place. Once the pole was ready, Dakota Electric crews were called in to help. They installed the pole-top nest on top of a hill that provides a clear 360-degree view and is near water. Just what the ornithologist ordered.
“Now we just wait for a pair to make it home,” Lewanski said.