Dakota Electric named Making Our Moms Successful (M.O.M.S.) Program, Burnsville, as the local 2022 Touchstone Energy Community Award winner. Dakota Middle School Lego League Sixth Graders, Eagan, and Winter Special Adventures, Vermillion, were named runners-up. Each organization received an award along with $500.

M.O.M.S. Program
Provides long-term mentoring for single mothers and their children in Dakota and Scott counties. The program seeks to strengthen the next generation and break the cycles of poverty, abuse, addiction and dysfunction.

First Lego League
Made up of sixth graders at Dakota Hills Middle School, and is a precursor to robotics. The team seeks a project each year to design and build. This year, the students built a solar charging system for iPads at their school.

Winter Special Adventures
Provides individuals with disabilities a chance to experience outdoor activities in a fun and safe environment. Participants receive UTV rides, lunch, hot chocolate and more.