Every year, Dakota Electric Association holds an election for the board of directors, wherein one director position per district is up for election. Dakota Electric encourages all members to vote.
Dakota Electric hires the third-party contractor Survey & Ballot Systems to run its annual elections. Two weeks prior to the annual election, each member will receive their director election ballot in the mail from Survey & Ballot Systems. Each ballot includes instructions on how to vote by mail or online, as well as all director candidate biographies. Additional information about the annual election can be found on the Annual Meeting and Election page.
In adherence with Dakota Electric’s bylaws and policies, members that were interested in seeking election for a director seat applied in early December of 2022. The completed applications were reviewed for eligibility and sent to the Nominating Committee for interviews.
In accordance with Section 3, Article III, of the Bylaws of this Association, the undersigned Nominating Committee, in a meeting held on January 24, 2023, have selected the following nominees shown below for directorship of said Association to be on the ballot for the 2023 board elections. Candidates nominated by petition have an asterisk next to their name.
The Nominating Committee is made up of the following people: Adam Blom, Robert Erickson, Bryanna Reinsberg, Darrell Sandeen, Jerry Rich, Jenny Zakoski, Karen Webb and Bruce “Buzz” Anderson.

Dakota Electric’s Annual Meeting will be held April 27, 2023.