This post contains outdated information and is kept for archived purposes only.

It’s finally summer in Minnesota! People are out enjoying the weather and may even be getting some yard projects done. Whether you’re planting a tree or building a deck, always call 811 before you dig — it’s the law. Underground utility lines can only be inches below the surface and be ruptured with a shovel or other household tools. Hitting a line could cause an outage, property damage or the worst-case scenario — an explosion.


To dig safely — and legally in Minnesota — you need to do three things:

  • Call 811 at least two business days before you dig.
  • Mark your yard (in white) so the locator knows where you’re digging and can mark the utilities in your yard appropriately.
  • Respect the locate marks and hand-dig carefully around them.
  • Utility locators follow the uniform color codes mandated by the American Public Works Association (APWA) for locate marks.
White label: proposed construction Green label: sewers & drain lines Orange label: telephone & cable TV Blue label: water Yellow label: gas, oil, steam Pink label: temporary survey markings Red label: electric Purple label: reclaimed water