FARMINGTON, Minn. (May 1, 2024) – Five local high school students were recently selected to receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., sponsored by Dakota Electric Association. The students will participate in the National Rural Electric Association’s (NRECA) annual Washington, D.C. Youth Tour, scheduled for June 18-23. The students selected are:

Ebrahim Mohamed, Eastview High School

Elizabeth Aars, Lakeville North High School

Makayla Magnuson, Lakeville North High School

Matthew Vengal, Eastview High School

Tanisha Senapati, Eastview High School

A panel of judges selected the five students out of those who applied after reviewing their applications and a round of interviews. “Every year I am amazed by not only the number, but the quality of candidates who apply,” said Peggy Johnson, Dakota Electric’s community relations director. “I know our judges have a very difficult time narrowing the candidates down to just five students.”

Each June, more than 1,800 high school students from around the United States travel to Washington, D.C. for the NRECA Youth Tour. The participants are selected and sponsored by their local electric cooperatives. During the week, students learn about government, electric cooperatives and how they work together. In addition, students also have the chance to visit many of the monuments, memorials, and museums in Washington D.C. along with meeting members of Congress.

Dakota Electric makes applications for the NRECA Youth Tour available each year in January. Eligible applicants must be currently enrolled as sophomores, juniors, or seniors and reside within Dakota Electric’s service territory. Students wanting more information can visit, then select community and education programs.


About Dakota Electric Association

Dakota Electric Association is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative serving over 115,000 members in and around Dakota County. Established in 1937, Dakota Electric is committed to providing reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity to its members while actively engaging with the community and promoting energy efficiency. For more information, visit