Every October, National Co-op Month shines a light on the vital role cooperatives play in our economy and communities. For over 85 years, electric co-ops like Dakota Electric have empowered rural areas by providing reliable electricity to regions underserved by investor-owned utilities.

Cooperative principles — the foundation of success

At the heart of Dakota Electric’s operations are the seven cooperative principles, which guide every decision we make and action:

  1. Voluntary & Open Membership
  2. Democratic Member Control
  3. Members’ Economic Participation
  4. Autonomy and Independence
  5. Education, Training & Information
  6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives
  7. Concern for Community

These principles are more than just words — they are the bedrock of a business model that prioritizes people over profits. By embracing these values, Dakota Electric and other cooperatives across the nation continue to empower their members, support local economies and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.

The member advantage

At Dakota Electric, you’re not a customer — you’re a member and part-owner. This means you have a direct say in how the co-op operates, as members vote in the annual election for the board of directors, ensuring that a democratically elected board represents your interests. As a not-for profit, Dakota Electric does not prioritize profits but instead focuses on serving its members by offering affordable energy and returning savings through capital credits.

Dakota Electric also goes beyond electricity by offering programs and rebates that help members save energy and lower costs. To learn more visit our Rebates page or call 651-463-6243 to speak to one of our Energy Experts®.

Engaging with your cooperative — opportunities for involvement

Dakota Electric values member involvement. At the annual meeting, members can learn about the co-op’s growth, finances and programs, while sharing ideas and connecting with others.

In addition to delivering electricity, Dakota Electric supports local communities through volunteer work and sponsorships, helping foster a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Join the celebration

As we celebrate National Co-op Month this October, let’s take a moment to appreciate the unique role that cooperatives play in our lives. Whether you’re a member of Dakota Electric or another co-op, you are part of a movement that values collaboration, community and shared success. Together, we can continue to build a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come.