This post contains outdated information and is kept for archived purposes only.
Headshot of CEO Ryan Hentges

As the President & CEO of Dakota Electric, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be a part of this dynamic organization. Since joining, I have had the privilege of engaging with the wonderful individuals that make up our community. Whether it was at various events or during interactions within our team, each encounter has reaffirmed the strength and vitality of the Dakota Electric family.

At Dakota Electric, we understand that our industry is constantly evolving. To meet the changing needs of our members and remain true to our core values, our dedicated staff is focused on implementing our strategic plan. This plan, approved by the Board in February, serves as our compass, guiding us towards success and enabling us to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

As we move forward, we have identified several key priorities that will shape our efforts. First and foremost, safety remains our utmost concern. We are committed to ensuring the well-being of our employees, members and the community as a whole. We also recognize that our success is driven by the talented individuals who comprise our team. By investing in our people, we strengthen our organization and foster a culture of excellence.

Financial stewardship is another area of great importance to us. We are dedicated to managing our resources responsibly, ensuring that we deliver value to our members while maintaining a financially sustainable cooperative. Additionally, we recognize the significance of building resiliency in the face of changing circumstances and ensuring the reliability of our services.

Energy optimization is a key focus for Dakota Electric, as we strive to leverage new technologies and innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and environmental sustainability. Our commitment to member experience remains unwavering, and we continuously seek ways to improve the quality of service we provide. Lastly, we embrace innovation as a driving force behind progress, allowing us to stay at the forefront of the industry and better serve our members.

In the coming months, we will delve deeper into each of these areas and keep you informed about specific initiatives we are undertaking to better serve you. Until then, enjoy your summer, and thank you for being a member-owner of Dakota Electric.Signature of Ryan Hentges

As the President & CEO of Dakota Electric, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be a part of this dynamic organization. Since joining, I have had the privilege of engaging with the wonderful individuals that make up our community. Whether it was at various events or during interactions within our team, each encounter has reaffirmed the strength and vitality of the Dakota Electric family.

At Dakota Electric, we understand that our industry is constantly evolving. To meet the changing needs of our members and remain true to our core values, our dedicated staff is focused on implementing our strategic plan. This plan, approved by the Board in February, serves as our compass, guiding us towards success and enabling us to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

As we move forward, we have identified several key priorities that will shape our efforts. First and foremost, safety remains our utmost concern. We are committed to ensuring the well-being of our employees, members and the community as a whole. We also recognize that our success is driven by the talented individuals who comprise our team. By investing in our people, we strengthen our organization and foster a culture of excellence.

Financial stewardship is another area of great importance to us. We are dedicated to managing our resources responsibly, ensuring that we deliver value to our members while maintaining a financially sustainable cooperative. Additionally, we recognize the significance of building resiliency in the face of changing circumstances and ensuring the reliability of our services.

Energy optimization is a key focus for Dakota Electric, as we strive to leverage new technologies and innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and environmental sustainability. Our commitment to member experience remains unwavering, and we continuously seek ways to improve the quality of service we provide. Lastly, we embrace innovation as a driving force behind progress, allowing us to stay at the forefront of the industry and better serve our members.

In the coming months, we will delve deeper into each of these areas and keep you informed about specific initiatives we are undertaking to better serve you. Until then, enjoy your summer, and thank you for being a member-owner of Dakota Electric.Signature of Ryan Hentges