Energy Wise® Load Management

Receive electricity at nearly half the regular rate by participating in one or more of the following Energy Wise® load management programs. To enroll, contact the Energy Experts® at 651-463-6243. For more details, view the list of contractors familiar with our load management programs.

  • Receive a $39 summer bill credit or a reduced price on the electricity your central air conditioner uses.*
  • On days when energy use is high and purchasing wholesale electricity is more expensive, Dakota Electric will cycle your air conditioner condenser on and off in 15-minute increments by sending a signal to your load control receiver.
  • Your furnace fan will continue to run.
  • Interruptions usually occur only on the hottest days of the year when air conditioners and heat pumps must work harder to keep people comfortable.

*Available only for central air conditioners.

Request Information

  • Available for both air-source and ground-source heat pumps.
  • You receive a reduced price on the electricity your heat pump uses.
  • On days when homes and businesses are using a lot of electricity and purchasing wholesale electricity is more expensive, Dakota Electric will periodically cycle or interrupt power to your heat pump by sending a signal to your load control receiver.
  • When interruptions occur during the heating season, a backup heat source will take over and heat your home.

    Request Information

Benefits of electric water heating

  • Quiet and efficient.
  • Ample hot water.
  • Can be powered with renewable energy.
  • No venting required to meet code.
  • Cost competitive on an off-peak program.

Off-peak programs for water heaters

Storage Program

Storage heating is the least expensive electric water heating program available, saving you hundreds of dollars each year over standard electric systems. Water is heated primarily at night when energy costs are lowest, and stored in a super-insulated tank for use throughout the day.

  • Designed for electric water heaters with a capacity of 80 gallons or more and an energy factor (EF) rating of .9 or greater.
  • Member receives a $400 rebate for first-time enrollment.
  • Purchase and installation of metering and control equipment is required at the member’s expense.
  • Member receives the lowest price available for electricity used by the water heater.

Interruptible Program

Interruptible heating allows Dakota Electric to temporarily interrupt electricity to your water heater only during periods when the cost of energy is exceptionally high, while still providing hot water for your normal daily needs. You’re rewarded with a low off-peak rate. An interruption, called a control period, happens at least once a month.

  • Designed for electric water heaters with a capacity of 50 gallons or more.
  • Member receives $100 rebate for first-time enrollment.
  • Purchase and installation of metering and control equipment is required at the member’s expense.
  • Member receives a reduced rate for the electricity used by the water heater.
  • View the Interruptible history and schedule.

Need a new water heater?

We offer highly efficient 85- and 100-gallon Marathon water heaters designed to be used on either off-peak program. Contact us for pricing and sizing information. While you don’t have to buy the tank from us, here’s what a purchase from Dakota Electric includes:

More Information

Call the Energy Experts at 651-463-6243 or email for the following information:

  • Metering equipment cost and requirements
  • Pricing
  • Rebate information
  • Sizing requirements and
  • Troubleshooting and warranty questions.

View a list of electricians familiar with installing off-peak equipment.

  • You receive a reduced price on the electricity your swimming pool or hot tub uses.
  • On days when energy use is high and purchasing wholesale electricity is more expensive, Dakota Electric will periodically interrupt power to your pool or hot tub by sending a signal to your load control receiver.

    Request Information

Storage Program

  • Receive a reduced price on the electricity your ETS heater or slab storage floor heating system uses.
  • Storage heaters store enough heat energy for your entire day in the late evening and early morning when fewer homes and businesses are using electricity and wholesale energy costs are lower. The heater then releases the heat throughout the day.

Interruptible Program

  • Receive a reduced price on the electricity your electric heater uses.
  • Dakota Electric interrupts power to your electric heater only during periods of high electricity demand, when wholesale energy costs are exceptionally high, usually on the coldest days of the year.

Request Information

Thank You Members!

By participating in our Energy Wise® load management programs, you helped us save nearly $18 million in wholesale power costs last year, which in turn, helps us keep electric rates lower for all members.

Storage Program

  • Receive a reduced price on the electricity your water heater uses
  • Water is heated at night when energy costs are lower, storing all you need for the next day’s use

Interruptible Program

  • Dakota Electric interrupts power to your water heater only during periods of high electricity demand, when wholesale energy costs are exceptionally high, usually on the hottest and coldest days of the year.
  • A load control receiver is installed next to your meter or central air conditioner and will receive a signal from Dakota Electric to interrupt power to the appliance(s) enrolled in the program.

Contact the Energy Experts®at 651.463.6243 to enroll.

  • Available for both air-source and ground-source heat pumps.
  • You receive a reduced price on the electricity your heat pump uses.
  • On days when homes and businesses are using a lot of electricity and purchasing wholesale electricity is more expensive, Dakota Electric will periodically cycle or interrupt power to your heat pump by sending a signal to your load control receiver.
  • When interruptions occur during the heating season, a backup heat source will take over and heat your home.

Contact the Energy Experts®at 651.463.6243 to enroll.

  • You receive a $13 credit on your bill each June, July, and August, or a reduced price on the electricity your central air conditioner uses.
  • On days when energy use is high and purchasing wholesale electricity is more expensive, Dakota Electric will cycle your air conditioner condenser on and off in15-minute increments by sending a signal to your load control receiver.
  • Your furnace fan will continue to run.
  • Interruptions usually occur only on the hottest days of the year when air conditioners and heat pumps must work harder to keep people comfortable.
  • Available only for central air conditioners.

Contact the Energy Experts®at 651.463.6243 to enroll.

  • You receive a reduced price on the electricity your swimming pool or hot tub uses.
  • On days when energy use is high and purchasing wholesale electricity is more expensive, Dakota Electric will periodically interrupt power to your pool or hot tub by sending a signal to your load control receiver.Contact the Energy Experts® at 651.463.6243 to enroll.