
October Co-op News

Apply for the Touchstone Energy Award! Dakota Electric is now accepting applications for the Touchstone Energy Community Award, which recognizes nonprofit groups and community organizations that have shown a strong commitment to the community.  Applicants are evaluated on project scope, use of resources and the impact or value to the community. Three winners [...]

2022-09-30T09:38:50-05:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

National Co-op Month

The Membership Advantage Cooperatives (co-ops) are a vital contributor to the American economy and way of life. Nationally observed every October since 1964, Co-op Month is a chance to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions made by those who work in or benefit from co-ops. What is an electric co-op? Electric co-ops have a history and [...]

2022-09-30T09:38:46-05:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Co-op Careers

Help Power The Future Those that work in the energy industry power life at home and the places we learn, play and work. These people, whether they work outside or in an office, are essential to keeping the lights on.The electric power industry is responsible for more than 7 million American jobs in communities large [...]

2022-09-30T09:38:40-05:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Our Co-op History

1936: President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) providing a way to electrify rural homes. 1937: Dakota County Electric Cooperative was founded by a group of farmers with the help of the REA.1938: The first lights were turned on. (Photo 1)1939: The first annual meeting was held at Farmington high school. 1940: Kilowatthour Booster, [...]

2022-09-30T09:38:35-05:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Electrical Farm Safety

Safety Tips for Farmworkers Farming is among the more dangerous occupations for several reasons, including potential for encounters with electrical hazards. Before taking to the fields, we want to remind farm workers to be aware of overhead power lines and to keep equipment and extensions far away from them.  Plan AheadKnow [...]

2022-09-30T09:38:28-05:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Our Commitment to Safety

At Dakota Electric, we are committed to a culture of safety that is integral to our daily operations. We strive to provide our communities with safe, reliable and affordable electricity and to serve as your trusted energy advisor, now and well into the future.Power Line SafetyDakota Electric’s concern for safety extends beyond our employees. We care [...]

2022-08-31T11:34:45-05:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Back To School Safety Tips

K-8th grade Keep fingers, writing utensils, paperclips and other objects away from electrical outlets. When unplugging electronics, always hold the base of the plug to pull it out — never yank from the cord. Stay clear of pad-mounted transformers (big green box) and other electrical equipment. Never throw shoes onto power lines and if you [...]

2022-08-31T11:13:03-05:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Electric Vehicle Charging

As automakers roll out waves of new electric vehicle (EV) models, and improved battery technologies begin to vanquish “range anxiety” among prospective EV drivers, adequate public charging infrastructure will be a necessity. In 2021, 6.6 million EVs were sold in the U.S., more than double the number from 2020 and more than triple the amount from [...]

2022-08-31T11:12:53-05:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Charging Programs

ChargeWise Electric Vehicle Programs Dakota Electric offers two voluntary options for charging your EV at home as well as a rebate of up to $500 to cover the cost of installing a charging circuit on either program. Off-peak storage rate This option offers members the lowest cost of off-peak electricity for charging an EV, but [...]

2022-08-31T11:12:42-05:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|