
Advanced Meter Upgrade

More information Dakota Electric is in the process of upgrading old meters to advanced digital meters. Benefits Increased system efficiencies Improved outage notification & restoration More energy information for members Replacement of aging infrastructure Information This fall we plan to install a limited number of meters and equipment to verify [...]

2019-08-30T14:11:10-05:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

September Programs

Featured Programs: Members can support renewable energy technologies by buying solar or wind energy in 100 kWh blocks. Two options available. Pick your charging program! Our two electric vehicle charging programs help you save money every time you charge your plug-in electric car. Take advantage of our Revolt program and power [...]

2019-08-30T11:11:18-05:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Important Monthly Notices

When a household member has been ordered into active military duty, for deployment or for a change of duty station, they may find it hard to pay their utility bills. According to Minnesota Statute 325E.028, these military personnel may be protected from disconnection if they cannot pay their utility bills in full. To apply for [...]

2019-08-30T11:10:53-05:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Be a next generation champion

Have someone in mind who would be perfect for Youth Tour 2020? Applications open after the first of the year. Watch for more information in Circuits or click the photo for more information. Youth community engagement: a recipe for success Electric cooperatives throughout the country have sent high school students to Washington, D.C., [...]

2019-07-31T14:25:07-05:00July 31st, 2019|Categories: Circuits, Uncategorized|


Dakota Electric’s community relations and economic development assistant, Wendy Apitz, discusses her experience as a chaperone for Minnesota’s delegation to the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour in Washington, D.C., in June. What was it like to chaperone Youth Tour? Youth Tour provided me with a deeper appreciation of our nation’s history. Not only [...]

2019-07-31T14:24:04-05:00July 31st, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Heat Pump Testimonial

Dakota Electric member, Jeff Neuman, enjoys the efficient heating and cooling provided by his air-source heat pump. Dakota Electric's heat pump rebate promotion is now extended to August 31, 2019! Jeff Neuman, and Dakota Electric's energy and member service manager, Dave Reinke, review the savings from Jeff's recent electric bill. [...]

2019-07-31T14:22:02-05:00July 31st, 2019|Categories: Circuits|