Community Involvement

Dakota Electric aims to do more than simply deliver electricity. As a locally-owned business, we care about the communities we serve. Whether it is through financial support or volunteering, we are passionate about helping our communities thrive.

Dakota Cares

Every year our generous employees give back to the community by donating to the Dakota Cares campaign.

The committee plans several employee events and activities throughout the year to help raise funds for local organizations, such as the Greater Twin Cities United Way, Community Health Charities of Minnesota and the Fallen Linemen Organization.

Year after year, employees have raised more than $30,000 by participating in activities, such as:

  • Pork chop feed
  • Fajita feed
  • Silent auction
  • Sporting clays fun shoot
  • Employee payroll deductions
dakota cares

Employees raise more than $30,000 for charities.

Member Appreciation

Every summer, we host our Member Appreciation Event at the Minnesota Zoo. The event includes free admission and parking, and draws more than 6,000 Dakota Electric members and families.

Guests enjoy all of the zoo’s exhibits, live music and family fun. We ask attendees to consider donating to the local food shelves by bringing a non-perishable food item or cash donation. Since 1998, members have donated more than 18 tons of food and more than $13,000 to local food shelves. Thank you for your generosity!

The event is held on the last Thursday in July, and tickets to the event are included with your bill sent in June/July. Watch for more information in the June and July issues of Circuits.

Environmental Activities

We seek to do more than merely deliver electricity to our members. We aim to make our operations more environmentally responsible and help our communities create sustainable, environmentally-friendly futures.

Dakota Electric hosts, sponsors and participates in several events promoting environmental responsibility including:

  • Arbor Day celebrations
  • Adopt-A-Highway

In addition, the cooperative donates more than 3,000 tree seedlings annually to local schools and community events.


Every year Dakota Electric uses funds from unclaimed capital credits to award scholarships to students from area high schools and colleges to support their continued education. Each individual school selects the scholarship recipient. If you attend one of the following schools, contact a guidance counselor for more information.


High Schools

  • Apple Valley
  • Burnsville
  • Cannon Falls
  • Eagan
  • Eastview
  • Farmington
  • Hastings
  • Two Rivers
  • Lakeville North
  • Lakeville South
  • Northfield
  • Randolph
  • Red Wing
  • Rosemount
  • Simley


  • Dakota County Technical College – Rosemount
  • Inver Hills Community College – Inver Grove Heights

I care. You care. Dakota Cares.

Dakota Electric established a speakers bureau to present to schools, rotary clubs, chargers of commerce and other community organizations on a variety of energy-related issues.