Dakota Electric’s Rates

We work hard to keep rates low without jeopardizing reliable electricity and member service. View our electric rates to know how much you are being charged for your electricity and learn more about your rights as a consumer.

Residential Electric Rates

Residential Tariff Book

Commercial Electric Rates

Commercial Tariff Book

Seasonal Rates

To reflect the higher cost of wholesale electricity in the summer months when demand is higher, Dakota Electric implements seasonal rates.

The net effective rate for residential members, including the RTA (described below), is 13.59 cents per kWh in June, July and August and 12.20 cents per kWh for the remaining months.

Resource & Tax Adjustment (RTA)

The Resource and Tax Adjustment (RTA) is a mechanism Dakota Electric uses to adjust prices according to:

  • wholesale power cost fluctuations
  • property and real estate tax changes
  • changes in conservation spending

Dakota Electric calculates the RTA annually and files the RTA amount with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission before implementation.

The RTA is figured on a per kWh basis and is a direct pass-through appearing as a line item on your electric bill. For example, if the factors used to calculate the RTA decrease, the RTA will appear as a credit on your bill. If the overall net effect of the factors increases, the RTA will be a charge on the bill.

The current RTA for residential members is $0.0113 per kWh.

For commercial members, please call 651-463-6243 or your key account representative to check on the RTA for your commercial rate class.

Advanced Meter Recovery Fee

The advanced meter recovery fee is a separate line item on your monthly bill to recover costs associated with installing advanced or “smart” meters and communication equipment. This fee is applied to each meter at a premise and will be adjusted annually depending on ongoing project costs. This fee will eventually be eliminated once these costs are recovered in base rates.

The 2024 advanced meter recovery fee will be 78 cents per residential meter per month.

For commercial members, please call 651-463-6243 or your key account representative to check on the Advanced Meter Recovery fee for your commercial rate class.

Consumer Laws, Statutes, and Rules

Dakota Electric is the only regulated electric cooperative in the state. To learn more about consumer laws, statutes and rules, visit the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.

Cold Weather Rule

Created by the State of Minnesota to help those in need, the Cold Weather Rule protects Minnesota consumers from disconnection between Oct. 1 and April 30. Find out how to prevent disconnection during this time by downloading our Cold Weather Rule Notification of Rights brochure.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Member Notice

We understand the importance of protecting the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) provided by our members. Dakota Electric protects its members’ privacy in accordance with all regulatory and legal requirements. To learn more, download our Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Member Notice.