Board of Directors Meeting

As a member-owned cooperative, those who purchase electricity from Dakota Electric democratically govern the cooperative through a member-elected board of directors. Therefore, all members are invited to attend the board of directors’ monthly meetings. During meetings, the board acts on behalf of all members’ interest to review general operational items and create policies and future plans [...]

Energy Trends Expo

1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, MN 55121 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan

Join Dakota Electric Association and Lakeville Friends of the Environment for the Energy Trends Expo on Sept. 30, 2021! 5:30 PM: What’s New in Solar Policy in 2021: Solar for Schools, Brightfields, and more! Presented by the MN Solar Energy Industry Association (MNSEIA) The 2021 Legislative Session was the most impactful for the solar industry since 2013. Soon, [...]
