Monthly Board Meetings

The board of directors play a pivotal role in determining the strategic direction and priorities of Dakota Electric. This board input is key as we work to keep the lights on today and plan to meet our members’ energy needs tomorrow.

Dakota Electric Association is led by its members and belongs to the communities it serves. The cooperative’s board of directors place the interests of all members first in making its decisions, including safety, reliability, environmental impact, service and rates. As representatives, the board spends significant time and energy helping to set priorities for the co-op and guide governance decisions while serving in a highly complex and rapidly changing industry.

Attending a Meeting

The democratic nature of electric cooperatives provides an opportunity for members to get involved. This community dialogue takes many shapes, including participation in the co-op member meetings and director elections.

We ask that members interested in observing a board meeting contact at 651-463-6327 or email Dakota Electric prior to the meeting.

Members who wish to request an item be placed on the board meeting agenda should submit their request, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the scheduled board meeting date. Any requested items will be reviewed by cooperative leadership to ensure there is sufficient time on the agenda.


Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

Dakota Electric’s articles of incorporation and bylaws provide the framework for governing and conducting business at Dakota Electric with information on membership, board of director elections, capital credits and more.