

Circuits monthly newsletter is your source for valuable energy-saving tips, special event details and important cooperative/industry information that may impact your electric bill.

Message From CEO Ryan Hentges

As the President & CEO of Dakota Electric, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be a part of this dynamic organization. Since joining, I have had the privilege of engaging [...]

July 1st, 2023|Categories: Circuits|0 Comments

Know What’s Below

It's finally summer in Minnesota! People are out enjoying the weather and may even be getting some yard projects done. Whether you're planting a tree or building a deck, always call 811 before you dig [...]

July 1st, 2023|Categories: Circuits|0 Comments

Electrical Safety Outside The Home

POWER LINES Keep kits, drones and other flying objects away from power lines. Never climb trees, poles or towers that are contacting power lines. When using a ladder, be aware of overhead power [...]

July 1st, 2023|Categories: Circuits|0 Comments

Spot and Stop Scams

Today’s scammers are sneaky and sophisticated — targeting potential victims by phone, online and in-person. Scammers often target individuals or communities that are in need or susceptible to their schemes. By knowing what you [...]

July 1st, 2023|Categories: Circuits|0 Comments

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