Outage Restoration and Safety
We know power outages are inconvenient. Rest assured, Dakota Electric is committed to restoring your power as quickly and safely as possible.
Restoring Your Power
Learn how we prioritize work to make the repairs that will restore power to the most members first.
Stay Away From Downed Power Lines!
Never touch or go near a downed power line. A downed line may not be a dead line.
Call Dakota Electric at 1-800-430-9722 to report downed power lines.
Automatic Garage Doors
When the power goes out, we still need to go to work and drop off the kids. Here are some quick tips to help you get your vehicle out of the garage in such an event.
Careful when using a generator!
Generators improperly used can be dangerous to our lineworkers AND you and your family.
Preparing An Emergency Kit
If the power goes out for an extended period of time, you will want to have an emergency kit ready. Here are some recommendations that could help you be prepared for such an event.
Food Safety
When the power goes out, one of the things you think about is all the food in your refrigerator and freezer. Here are some tips to keep your food safe during a power outage.
We know power outages are inconvenient. Rest assured, Dakota Electricis committed to restoring your power as quickly and safely as possible.
Stay Away From Downed Power Lines
Restoring Your Power
Learn how we prioritize work to make the repairs that will restore power to the most members first.
Preparing An Emergency Kit
If the power goes out for an extended period of time, you will want to have an emergency kit ready. Here are some recommendations that could help you be prepared for such an event.
Automatic Garage Doors
When the power goes out, we still need to go to work and drop off the kids. Here are some quick tips to help you get your vehicle out of the garage in such an event.
Food Safety
When the power goes out, one of the things you think about is all the food in your refrigerator and freezer. Here are some tips to keep your food safe during a power outage.
View the Dakota Electric Outage App