Power Outages: Did You Know?
Power outages can last for a few minutes, or a few hours or more, depending on the severity of the outage. Below are some important things to keep in mind.
We are committed to providing reliable electric service to our members. However, there are a number of reasons members can be without power that are beyond our control. Some of the most common causes of power outages include:
- Severe Weather
- Trees
- Animals
- Excavation / Digging
- Vehicle Accidents
Member Repair Responsibilities
Members are responsible for their home’s mast, the pipe containing the wires that run from overhead lines to your meter. If a member’s mast is damaged or torn loose from the home, an electrician must repair it before Dakota Electric can restore power.
Members with underground service are responsible for repairs to the underground service wires from the lot corner to the house and the service entrance, and the pipe containing the wires that run from the ground to your meter.

Member Medical Needs
If someone in your household depends on in-home life support equipment, please notify us immediately. Dakota Electric maintains a record of members who use critical life support systems, and to the extent practical, Dakota Electric gives consideration to medical emergency status when restoring service. Because some interruptions in service are unavoidable, and in some cases may last longer than some members can be without power, we urge members with special medical needs to make necessary arrangements for back-up power for any vital life support equipment.
Standby Generators
Standby generators can supply electricity to your home or business during a power outage, but only if they are properly installed and maintained.
To ensure proper installation and electrical code compliance, contact a qualified electrician.
There are a number of reasons members can be without power. Some of the most common causes of power outages include:
- severe weather
- trees
- vehicle accidents
- animals
- excavation/digging
Power outages can last for a few minutes, or a few hours or more, depending on the severity of the outage. Here are some important things to keep in mind:
Members are responsible for their home’s mast, the pipe containing the wires that run from overhead lines to your meter. If a member’s mast is damaged or torn loose from the home, an electrician must repair it before Dakota Electric can restore power.
Members with underground service are responsible for repairs to the underground service wires from the lot corner to the house and the service entrance, and the pipe containing the wires that run from the ground to your meter.
Standby generators can supply electricity to your home or business during a power outage, but only if they are properly installed and maintained.
To ensure proper installation and electrical code compliance, contact a qualified electrician.